Top ten must-haves for babies
Education, Parenting

Top ten Must-haves for Babies

After the birth of the first baby, you certainly need to know some of the important things. For instance, how to look after the infant; also you need to know about at least ten must-haves to keep your baby in comfort and ease.

1-Baby Bottle and Nipples

No doubt, there is no substitute for breastfeeding; however, some moms cannot breastfeed the baby due to being working women. The doctors recommend them to feed the baby with formula milk. To feed the baby with milk the bottle (feeder) with a handful of nipples is needed to decide which one is preferred by your baby. Also, you need to have a bottle brush to keep the bottle clean right after the baby has been fed. The bottle dry stand is also is required.

2-White Noise machine

Your baby is now out of your womb; however, the baby is not fully acclimatized with the new environment.  You need to arrange for a white noise machine that realizes your baby of being in the womb. Being under the influence of the white machine, the baby takes a sound sleep that you desire for your baby’s good health.


Lying in the baby-cot, your baby feels more comfortable than lying in the bed. You keep your baby resting in the baby-cot for free body movements. The body movements of the baby in the baby-cot strengthen his digestive system.

4-Soft Blanket

Being under the soft blanket, the baby feels comfortable in winter. You can buy two or more costly blankets to use while going for an outing or attending a party. The baby in a nice blanket becomes the center of attention in the function of special importance.

5-Diapers are Essential

A baby’s hygienic condition should be satisfactory. Your baby is absolutely healthy if it excretes twice or thrice a day. You need a bundle of diapers to keep your baby comforted after every excretion. You can change the baby’s diaper after three to four hours. Certainly, a baby feels discomforted when it feels its diaper filled with feces. The baby cries loudly to seek your attention.

6-Sanitizing wipes

The babies cannot be washed with water every time you change their diapers. The standard sanitizing wipes are the best solution to clean the sensitive parts of a baby before changing the diaper. Sanitizing wipes are dipped in the antibacterial fluid which is hygienically suitable for a baby.

7-Baby Stroller

Your baby reaches the age of five months; you can easily take the baby to the market in a baby stroller. The stroller is the best carrier providing the baby with complete comfort all the while the baby stays in it. You also remain comforted carrying your baby to the market without getting tired.  

8-Colorful Toys

 With growing age, the baby starts taking interest in the things around it. The baby tries to catch every colorful thing. It is time you should arrange for the little colorful toys that attract the attention of your baby. Let your baby be seated on the carpet with the beautiful toys around it. Show your interest in the toys; your baby realizes your interest and presence.

 9-Comfortable Clothes

Your baby’s skin is soft and smooth; it needs comfortable clothes. The polyester or velvety fabric keeps your baby in comfort and ease. On the other hand, the clothes fabricated with nylon threads cause rashes and allergy on the baby’s skin. Try to buy high quality branded clothes for your baby to keep its comfort and ease.

10-Baby Cosmetics

The baby needs to be given a bath twice a day in the hot summer days. However, in the extreme winter, the baby can be given a bath once a week with Luke-warm water. The baby is given a bath with special baby soap and special baby shampoo. The ordinary soap and shampoo irritate the baby’s skin. Moreover, the baby needs massage with special baby lotion or baby oil. A proper massage of the baby’s body part is necessary for baby’s nice natural growth. After every bath, the massage can be given to the baby to remove dryness on the baby’s body. The baby takes a sound sleep after being given a healthy massage. The baby needs a woolen skull cap and woolen socks in the extreme winter to stay warm and fit.


Being a responsible loving and caring mother, you cannot compromise on the baby’s hygiene, health, and comfort. Right after the birth of your baby, you need some of the must-haves for to treat your baby very well. The must-haves including baby-bottles, nipples, white noise machines, baby cot, toys, blanket, baby cosmetics, and comfortable clothes are necessarily needed at home when a baby is born to you. You certainly want to provide your baby with the best environment at home. The above-mentioned must-haves are at the top of the list when you go for your baby’s shopping.