Educating is an art, a delicate and complex intervention that requires not only technical knowledge but above all attention, sensitivity, and creative ability. It means helping a child to develop his potential and become independent. It means working to bring out the child’s personality while respecting his characteristics. How to do it? What educational modalities to choose from? Rewards or punishments, rules or freedom? Here are the typical doubts in managing the relationship between parents and children, dispelled today by the awareness of a fundamental balance between two opposite attitudes.
Education of children
The right educational distance is everything in the education of children: during the first year of life, the child has a close and symbiotic relationship with the mother. Progressively, an educational distance is created: the child begins to walk, talk, sleep alone, and gain his independence and autonomy “.
In this way the roles are clear and there will be no more reasons for discussion. For the children right measures are created for which parents manage to be a reference point: in this way, it becomes easier to build rules. The parent will no longer expect the child to do what he cannot do.
Give love and attention
There are no parents who do not love their children, including you, right? If this is the case, make sure the children know this and realize that they are loved by their father and mother. The trick is to show attention in everyday life.
When the baby faces a problem, try to help them find a solution. For example, when their grades are not good enough, when they are victims of bullying, when they have conflicts with peers, and so on. Children who are physically and mentally healthy and happy have a greater chance of becoming children who excel in life.
Become a coaching parent
The coach helps the player to improve himself, and the player plays his game. As a parent, your job is to support the child in his development and self-advancement. Playing the game instead prevents him from building his muscles. It hurts your self-esteem. Work ‘with him’, not ‘for him’. This will help him develop a sense of support and security.
Limit the use of technology in children
We are in the midst of a totally unprecedented technological and digital intrusiveness towards children. Of course, children are digital natives: they are born in an age where we all use technology.
However, it is right to try to limit the use of technology in children: Warning: the child must continue to learn to write with a pen, not on a keyboard. We must pay attention to the timing: the use of technology remains a question of quantity: for a child of 3, 4, or 5 years 30 minutes a day is more than enough. And no smartphone at 8 years old.
Do not correct unless it’s critical
He asked for support from you, you are working with him; if it will not have a significant effect on the result, do not make corrections. Corrections damage the child’s self-esteem.
Motivate Children
Intelligence and academic achievement can be lost if the person concerned is a person who is not confident. Don’t let your baby grow up to be an adult who has difficulty realizing his potential so that he doesn’t dare to take big opportunities.
Therefore, from an early age, Parent Printers need to motivate children to achieve their goals. Use simple, easy-to-understand sentences to explain the importance of learning and not forget to praise them when they succeed. Instilling self-confidence is not easy; this is why you have to start as early as possible.
Being the pride of parents. Of course, parents play an important and responsible role so that children are well educated. Including filtering lessons while sitting in education. Good and bad results are obtained, the important thing is that the child has tried. This is not always a measure that the child cannot make the parents happy.
In other words, children’s success comes from the success of their parents in understanding, nurturing, and educating them, so that the child gets the most beautiful and best path throughout his life. As a parent, this is all we hope for in an endless life span.